MY OLD GRAMOPHONE #1. Raquel García-Tomás

Piano & electronics

10,84  vat included

Genre: Instrumental
Instrument or voice: Piano & electronics (video optional)
Year of composition: 2019. Revised 2021
Category: Solo
Duration: 9’30 min.
Editorial Mondigromax
Video creation: Raquel García-Tomás
Commission: Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera
Dedication: Dedicated to Albert Cano Smith
World premiere: December 15, 2019 by Albert Cano Smit at the Auditori de La Pedrera (Barcelona). Musical Residencies 2019-20
Score: pdf 23 pages.
ISMN: 979-0-9018954-3-0


“This work begins the My Old Gramophone cycle, composed especially for the 2019-2020 Musical Residencies of the Fundació Catalunya–La Pedrera. With impressionistic reminiscences, My Old Gramophone #1 aims to evoke in the listener the act of ‘listening to a gramophone based on the “mechanization” of the performer. This mechanization is achieved by reproducing the errors that normally occur in this type of device, such as for example the jump of the needle that produces the repetition of a fragment repeatedly short (what we now call a loop). As the work progresses, these loops will go from being perceived as errors to being absorbed by the musical discourse. The work is accompanied by a video-creation which emphasizes the gesture of the pianist and reiterates the temporal jumps experienced by the musical discourse.”

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