As part of the Espais Sonors – Zukunft(s)musik I cycle, Moderiertes Konzert mit Neuer Musik (Music(s) of the Future, Moderated Concert with New Music), works by Catalan composers Agustí Charles and Raquel García-Tomás will be presented in Augsburg.

Agustí Charles (1960): Trio de corda (String Trio)
Raquel García-Tomás (1984): Look Sweetie I Found my Old Projector! (… and a bunch of movies)
Ensemble (septet), pre-recorded electronics, and video
Agustí Charles: Final Frontier for Chamber Ensemble
World Premiere
Raquel García-Tomás: Tiempo suspendido – Estudio Sonomecánico Nº 1
Ensemble (septet), pre-recorded electronics, and video

Musical direction: Sebastiaan van Yperen
Moderation: Christine Faist
Augsburg Philharmonic

The concert will take place on November 10, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the brechtbühne im Gaswerk – Augsburg.

Agustí Charles, known for his chamber operas such as La Cuzzoni, esperpent d’una veu, premiered at the Staatstheater in Darmstadt (Germany), and Andròmeda encadenada, also performed in Darmstadt, is currently working on a new opera, “The Last Night of the World”, which will premiere in January at the Augsburg Opera. Additionally, non-theatrical chamber music plays a central role in his work. The Catalan composer has created the new composition “Final Frontier” for chamber ensemble, specifically for the first edition of Zukunft(s)musik of this season, which will premiere at Augsburg.

Raquel García-Tomás also focuses on stage works and chamber music. In her chamber music compositions, she experiments with electronic sounds and video installations.

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