Since March 8, 2024, the documentary serie “Je suis un ange” about the creation process of the opera “Alexina B.” by Raquel García-Tomás is available on the CaixaForum+ platform.

Serie directed by Tània Crosas, directed by Sonia Pons, with interviews by Anna Guitart and produced by Isabel Bassas and Paula Ustarroz.

The camera follows in a discreet but close way the creators of “Alexina B.”, Raquel García-Tomás, Irène Gayraud and Marta Pazos, from the moment of the project’s gestation, with their doubts and the coincidences that lead to meetings, continuing with the incorporation of the artistic team and the singers, the set designer, costumes, lighting, the choir… until the absolute premiere at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, on March 18, 2023.

In four chapters, it shows the process of creating the work and deconstructs its texts, its scores, and its stage conception until its public presentation. The four chapters are:

1. Statistically very improbable (33 min) 2. Being extraordinary (36 min) 3. Green is the system (31 min) 4. Twice where (28 min).
It is 1868 and in a room in an apartment in Paris are the memories of Alexina B., next to her lifeless body. Hérculine Barbin signs and becomes the first documented witness of an intersex person. Her story inspires the opera ‘Alexina B’. by Raquel García-Tomás (2020 National Music Award).

Watch the documentary, available until 3/1/2033.

Alexina B.’, opera by Raquel García-Tomás with stage direction by Marta Pazos.
Libretto: Irène Gayraud, inspired by the memoirs of Hérculine Barbin (also known as Alexina B.), Mes Souvenirs (Paris, 1868).
Mondigromax Editorial
Project carried out with a Leonardo Scholarship for Cultural Researchers and Creators 2020 from the BBVA Foundation.

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