Lidia Vinyes-Curtis in the role of Alexina and Alicia Amo in that of Sara.                                                                  © Photo Antoni Bofill


“Alexina B.” by Raquel García-Tomás succeeds in its absolute premiere at the Liceu. Saturday, March 18, 2023 will be remembered as a historic day at the Rambla Colosseum, not only for Raquel García-Tomás being the second woman to premiere an opera there in its 175-year history , and the first Catalan woman composer, but also because her music of captivated the audience, starting an unanimous 8-minute standing ovation, with the bystanders enthusiastically applauding every artist who came out on stage to greet.

The opera “Alexina B.” it is fruit of a combination of creators and performers in a state of grace, each of whom has made it possible: libretto by Irène Gayraud and stage direction by Marta Pazos, performed by Lidia Vinyes-Curtis, Alicia Amo, Elena Copons, Xavier Sabata and Mar Esteve. Ten young fgirls singers from Cor Vivaldi-Petits Cantors de Catalunya, conductor: Òscar Boada. Orquestra del Liceu, conductor: Ernest Martínez Izquierdo. Scenography: Max Glaenzel. Costume: Silvia Delagneau. Lighting: Nuno Meira. Choreography: María Cabeza de Vaca. Video: Raquel García-Tomás. Sound: Sixto Camara. Assistance to the musical direction: Lorenzo Ferrandiz. Assistance to stage direction: Ana Cuéllar. Production: Gran Teatre del Liceu.

Listen here the opera Alexina B. in Catalunya Música until April 18, 2023. Recorded at Liceu on the day of its absolute premiere, March 18, 2023.

Read here the hand program (in Catalan with English synopsis, page 47)

The Opera was recorded by spanish TVE on March 22, 2023 and was broadcast on Sunday, July 2, 2023 in the program “El palco” as the closing of Pride week. Available online for one month. (It is only visible in Spain).

The Score of Alexina B. by Raquel García-Tomás will be available as soon as possible on this website from Editorial Mondigromax. Thanks for your patience, further information here. 

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