On June 20, the V Premis Alícia 2024 gala of the Catalan Music Academy was held at the Oriol Martorell Hall in L’Auditori de Barcelona. A total of 11 projects and individuals were recognized in various categories. The event was broadcast on local televisions and Canal 33, and can be rewatched on the La Xarxa+ and 3cat platforms.

In the Authorship category, the award was given to Raquel Garcia-Tomás for the composition of the opera Alexina B., premiered at the Gran Teatre del Liceu. In the Interpretation category, the Quartet Gerhard, comprised of Lluís Castán, Judit Bardolet, Miquel Jordà, and Jesús Miralles, was recognized as one of the most promising quartets on the European scale.

The singer Sílvia Pérez Cruz won the Discographic Production award, for her album Toda la vida, un día (Sony Music), a work recorded over a year in Barcelona, Pontós, Madrid, Jerez, Buenos Aires, Coatepec, and Havana. It is a piece consisting of 5 movements (one for each stage of life), 21 songs, and 90 musicians.

The Interdisciplinary Award went to the opening show of the Grec Festival 2023, The Pulse, where the Girls’ Choir of the Orfeó Català collaborated with the Australian circus company Gravity & Other Myths: a true fusion of circus and choral singing, developed over a year. The show later visited Montreal, Galway, and Graz in a tour consisting of eighteen performances.

The Emerging Talent Award was given to Momi Maiga, a Senegalese musician, composer, and singer. At just 26 years old, he stands out as a virtuoso of his instrument (the kora).

The 50 Anys concert by the Companyia Elèctrica Dharma at Palau Sant Jordi on April 22 won the Live Award. Subsequently, the show became the 27th album of the band. In the Internationalization category, the award was received by Marco Mezquida and his brilliant musical career, full of eclecticism and versatility, which has led him to perform in 40 countries across 4 continents with his own projects.

The Journalism and Music Dissemination Award was given to the program Assaig General of Catalunya Música, directed by Albert Torrents and Marta Lanau. For the past five seasons, the program has closely followed the Catalan music scene in a broad sense, especially Classical music, but also Jazz, Roots, and World music.

Regarding the Social and Educational Project category, the recognition went to the social project VOZES, a music-social entity dedicated to the pedagogical, occupational, and ethical development of children and youth through the collective instruction and practice of music, both choral and instrumental.

Finally, the Alícia TRESC 2024 Award for Public Recognition, a novelty of this edition, was awarded to Un matí d’orquestra by Apropa Cultura, a project that brings music closer to the most vulnerable and at-risk groups so they can actively participate in understanding and benefiting from the power of music.

The Alícia 2024 Award for Lifetime Achievement was received by pianist and composer Leonora Milà (Vilanova i la Geltrú, March 13, 1942), a Catalan pianist and composer with a long and extensive career.

The aim of the Alicia Awards is to promote, make visible, and highlight the music produced within the Catalan territory and the entirety of its activity, without distinction of genres or styles.

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