Photo: Christian Schuller

The comic opera by Raquel García-Tomás Je suis narcissiste with a libretto by Helena Tornero crosses Spanish borders. After its premiere at the Teatro Español in Madrid in March 2019 and performances at the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona in April 2019 and, partially, at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Seville in May 2023, it will premiere in Germany next autumn with a new production.

The premiere will be on November 9, 2024, in the Main Hall of the Stadttheater Giessen under the name Ich, ich, ich!. 

Conductor: Andreas Schüller
Stage Direction: Ute M. Engelhardt
Set and Costume Design: Prisca Baumann, Kerstin Grießhaber
Lighting: Konstantin Wassilewskij
Choreography: Giuseppe de Filippis, Michele de Filippis
Dramaturgy: Christian Förnzler

Cat / Successful Blogger / Performance Artist / Silvia / Laughing Woman / Nurse: Annika Gerhards
Clotilde: Polina Artsis
Famous Artist / Uneducated Poser / Elevator Boy / Funeral Director / Mimì / Pathological Patient / Doctor: Ferdinand Keller
Dr. Giovanni: Tempesta / Zen Master: Tomi Wendt

Gießen Philharmonic Orchestra

The translation into German is by Arno Lücke.

Stadttheater Gießen new production

General Director: Simone Sterr
Opera Artistic Director: Ann-Christine Mecke

Narcissism creates the illusion that every feeling must manifest itself just because it exists. Richard Sennett 

On a day when everything goes wrong, Clotilde cannot help but seek professional help. It all started with the death of her extremely stubborn cat and ended in the middle of a Zen meditation group. Now, she finds herself out of desperation in the psychiatric office of Dr. Johannes Sturm. He, with his extremely eccentric and questionable methods, diagnoses narcissism, materialism, and pure egocentrism in the entire society.

In Je suis narcissiste / Ich, ich, ich!, composer Raquel García-Tomás and librettist Helena Tornero humorously, absurdly, and ironically present the panorama of a society sick with individualization and self-realization, which has lost sight of the essential questions.

Other performances: 

Sun. 17.11.2024 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Introduction at 5:30 PM | Foyer, Main Hall
Fri.   13.12.2024 – 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM – Introduction at 7:00 PM | Foyer, Main Hall
Sun. 15.12.2024 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Introduction at 5:30 PM | Foyer, Main Hall
Sun. 29.12.2024 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Introduction at 5:30 PM | Foyer, Main Hall
Sun. 12.01.2025 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Introduction at 5:30 PM | Foyer, Main Hall
Sun. 09.02. 2025 – 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM – Introduction at 5:30 PM | Foyer, Main Hall

Many Thanks to Karin Dietrich and Daniel Blanco

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